Esteem Dreams Music CD

  • San Diego Living Interview

    San Diego Living interviews Dr. Suzanne Simpson regarding ESTEEM DREAMS™

  • Fun Childrens Self Help - Resources

    Fun Childrens Self Help

    Benefits of Fun Children's Self-Help

    At Esteem Dreams, we understand the profound impact of nurturing self-help skills in children from an early age. Instilling these capabilities can significantly contribute to a child’s sense of independence, confidence, and overall emotional health. Through our unique music-based approach, we make learning these vital skills an enjoyable and memorable experience for children.

    Importance of Teaching Self-Help Skills to Children

    Teaching self-help skills is not just about encouraging children to become more independent; it's about laying the foundational stones for resilience, problem-solving abilities, and self-esteem. Our ESTEEM DREAMS™ Music CD incorporates melodies and lyrics designed to inspire and bolster these essential life skills.

    Fun Activities for Teaching Self-Help to Children

    • Creating a sing-along session with songs about dressing, feeding, and personal hygiene
    • Engaging children in playful storytelling that emphasizes the importance of trying and practicing skills
    • Using music and rhythm to make routine self-help tasks enjoyable

    Teaching Children Self-Help Through Play

    Playtime is not just fun; it's a critical aspect of learning. By infusing self-help lessons with musical play, children absorb these lessons more naturally and effectively. It transforms what could be seen as mundane tasks into something exciting and worth looking forward to.

    Encouraging Independence in Children Through Self-Help Skills

    Independence in children doesn't happen overnight. It's a gradual process that Esteem Dreams supports through encouraging tunes that motivate children to attempt new tasks on their own, celebrate their successes, and understand that mistakes are just part of learning.

    Building Confidence in Children Through Self-Help Techniques

    Our goal is to ensure that every child feels capable and confident in their abilities. Our music aims to reinforce that they can tackle challenges, big or small, fostering an enduring sense of self-assurance.

    Creating a Positive Self-Image in Children Through Self-Help

    Self-perception begins to form at a tender age. By celebrating every step of progress in learning self-help skills, Esteem Dreams' music helps children see themselves as competent and valued individuals.

    Resources for Fun Children's Self-Help Books and Materials

    We recommend a range of books and materials that complement our music, each selected for its potential to enrich children's learning experiences. These resources are designed to be engaging, accessible, and, most importantly, fun.

    Tips for Parents and Caregivers on Promoting Self-Help in Children

    • Be patient and offer encouragement for every attempt, regardless of the outcome.
    • Use the ESTEEM DREAMS™ Music CD as a background for daily routines to naturally integrate learning.
    • Celebrate successes, no matter how small, with joy and enthusiasm.

    Age-Appropriate Self-Help Skills for Children

    Different stages of childhood development call for different self-help skills. From toddlers learning to dress themselves to slightly older children managing basic hygiene, Esteem Dreams provides age-appropriate content designed to foster independence at every stage.

    At Esteem Dreams, we are devoted to empowering children through music. We believe that fun should be an integral part of learning and growing. By focusing on developing self-help skills in an engaging and musical way, we help lay the groundwork for a lifetime of confidence, independence, and a positive self-image. Visit our website or call us to learn more about how our music can make a difference in your child's life.

    Additional Resources:

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  • Testimonials

    "ESTEEM DREAMS™ is like emotional vitamins for children."

    – L.T. Woodburn, Ph.D, President of California Consulting Group

Get in touch with us!

Listen to Sample Tracks

Dr. Suzanne Simpson Dr. Suzanne Simpson, creator of ESTEEM DREAMS™ was born and raised in Iowa and has been a practicing psychologist in La Jolla, California for the past twenty years. Dr. Simpson believes that the introduction of ESTEEM DREAMS™ to your child can greatly enhance his or her development of a healthy emotional foundation. Such a foundation can be the gift of a lifetime.

Copyright © Esteem Dreams 2008