Esteem Dreams Music CD

  • San Diego Living Interview

    San Diego Living interviews Dr. Suzanne Simpson regarding ESTEEM DREAMS™

  • Relaxing Music Kids

    The Importance of Relaxing Music for Kids

    Introduction to Relaxing Music for Kids

    At Esteem Dreams, we believe in the profound impact that music can have on a child's emotional development. Our journey began with the creation of the ESTEEM DREAMS™ Music CD, a project deeply inspired by founder Dr. Suzanne Simpson's expertise in psychology and her passion for nurturing self-esteem in children. The soothing symphonies of relaxing music kids can enjoy are not just melodies but pathways to tranquility, confidence, and emotional well-being.

    The Importance of Relaxing Music for Kids

    Children's minds are constantly absorbing information and stimuli from their environment, which can sometimes be overwhelming. Relaxing music kids can unwind to serves as an auditory hug, embracing them with harmonies that signal their minds and bodies to relax. This calming influence is fundamental in helping children develop a sense of security and confidence.

    Developmental Benefits of Relaxing Music for Kids

    The developmental benefits of listening to relaxing music are vast. It aids in reducing anxiety, enhancing sleep quality, and improving concentration. For children, these benefits lay the groundwork for healthier emotional, cognitive, and social development.


    The ESTEEM DREAMS™ Music CD is designed to be more than just relaxing music kids can listen to; it's a tool that fosters emotional growth. By incorporating melodies that resonate with children, the music facilitates a connection to their inner selves, promoting self-awareness and empathy.

    Our Approach to Creating Relaxing Music for Kids

    At Esteem Dreams, the process of creating music is deeply intentional. We delve into the psychology of sound and its impact on the young mind, ensuring each track embodies soothing qualities that contribute to a child's emotional nourishment.

    • Selection of Instruments: We choose instruments known for producing soft, gentle sounds that comfort the listener.
    • Harmonious Compositions: Our music features arrangements that flow smoothly, encouraging relaxation and inner peace.
    • Engagement with Emotions: We create tracks that speak to various emotions, helping children understand and express their feelings.

    Tips for Incorporating Relaxing Music into Children's Routines

    Integrating relaxing music into your child's daily routine can significantly enhance their emotional well-being. Here are some suggestions:

    • Play relaxing music during bedtime to help your child wind down and fall asleep more easily.
    • Use calming melodies as background music during study time to improve concentration.
    • Incorporate music into relaxation or meditation sessions with your child, focusing on deep breathing and mindfulness.

    What Parents Are Saying

    From letters of gratitude to heartwarming stories of transformation, parents often share how ESTEEM DREAMS™ has positively impacted their children's lives. A recurring theme is the noticeable improvement in children's anxiety levels and sleep quality, underscoring the effectiveness of integrating relaxing music into their routines.

    A Personal Touch

    As the founder of Esteem Dreams, my interaction with music has always been personal. Witnessing my own children's responses to various musical stimuli was a revelation. It was clear that music carried the potential to soothe, inspire, and uplift. This personal insight became a professional pursuit, leading to the creation of our beloved ESTEEM DREAMS™ Music CD. Our mission is rooted in the belief that every child deserves to grow up feeling confident, calm, and emotionally balanced.


    At Esteem Dreams, we are dedicated to providing relaxing music kids can thrive to. In doing so, we aim to support the emotional development and well-being of children everywhere. Our music is a testament to the belief that a harmonious mind creates a harmonious life. Through our ESTEEM DREAMS™ Music CD and the resources we offer, we hope to inspire a deeper understanding of the role of music in emotional health and to foster a generation of confident, serene, and emotionally resilient children.

    Our Approach to Creating Relaxing Music for Kids

    How Does Relaxing Music Affect Children's Emotional Development?

    Relaxing music holds a profound impact on children's emotional development. At Esteem Dreams, we've observed firsthand how melodies tailored to younger audiences can act as an instrumental tool in fostering a safe and secure environment for children, promoting feelings of tranquillity and confidence. The rhythmic patterns and harmonious sounds of music stimulate the brain in a way that can help reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality, which are fundamental aspects of healthy emotional and cognitive development. Furthermore, by nurturing a positive association with music from an early age, we empower children to explore and express their emotions in a supportive and understanding setting.

    What Should Parents Consider When Choosing Music for Their Child?

    When selecting music for children, there are several important factors parents should consider. First, the tempo and rhythm of the music should be soothing and gentle, which helps in creating a calming atmosphere conducive to relaxation or concentration. It's also essential to focus on the quality of the sounds; softer, melodious tunes played on acoustic instruments like the piano or strings are generally more comforting for young listeners. The content of the music, especially if there are lyrics, should be positive and uplifting to contribute to healthy emotional growth. At Esteem Dreams, we carefully craft our music with these considerations in mind, ensuring that every note and lyric supports a child's journey towards self-esteem and emotional balance.

    How Can Parents Integrate Relaxing Music into Their Child's Daily Routine?

    Integrating relaxing music into your child's daily routine doesn't have to be challenging. A great start is incorporating music during bedtime to establish a calming bedtime routine. This can signal to the child that it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep. During study sessions, playing instrumental or classical music softly in the background can enhance concentration and reduce distractions. Additionally, setting aside time for relaxation or meditation sessions with your child, accompanied by calming music, can be a wonderful way to teach mindfulness and deep breathing techniques. These simple practices can drastically improve a child's emotional well-being and serve as a foundation for coping strategies in later life.

    How Does Music Listening Differ From Screen Time for Kids?

    While screen time can often be passive and potentially overstimulating for children, engaging with music, particularly relaxing music, tends to be a more active and enriching experience. Listening to music requires the brain to process auditory information and can stimulate creativity, emotional reflection, and even physical movement through dancing or tapping along. Unlike screen time, which can disrupt sleep patterns and contribute to anxiety, music, especially soothing genres, can enhance sleep quality and promote relaxation. It's a distinction that we at Esteem Dreams emphasize, showing parents the value of incorporating music into their child's life as a beneficial alternative or complement to screen time.

    How Does Relaxing Music Enhance Self-Esteem in Children?

    Music has a unique way of touching our emotions and can be particularly influential in the development of self-esteem in children. Relaxing music, with its soft melodies and comforting rhythms, can create a supportive sonic environment that helps children to feel safe, valued, and understood. In our work at Esteem Dreams, we've seen how music can help children to connect with their inner feelings, recognize their worth, and express themselves in positive, constructive ways. This increased self-awareness and emotional intelligence lay the groundwork for a strong sense of self-esteem. By addressing emotional needs through music, we help children build a foundation of confidence that will support them throughout their lives.

    Can Music Be Used as a Tool for Emotional Growth and Communication in Children?

    Absolutely, music can be an incredibly powerful tool for emotional growth and communication in children. It provides a non-verbal mode of expression that can be particularly beneficial for children who may not yet have the words to express complex feelings. Through listening to and engaging with music, children can learn to identify and label their emotions, understanding that all feelings are valid and manageable. At Esteem Dreams, we create music that addresses a wide range of emotions, from happiness and excitement to sadness and fear, facilitating a healthy emotional dialogue between children and their caregivers. Encouraging children to share how certain songs make them feel can foster emotional intelligence and empathy, skills that are crucial for personal and social development.


    We welcome your comments!

  • Testimonials

    "ESTEEM DREAMS™ is like emotional vitamins for children."

    – L.T. Woodburn, Ph.D, President of California Consulting Group

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Dr. Suzanne Simpson Dr. Suzanne Simpson, creator of ESTEEM DREAMS™ was born and raised in Iowa and has been a practicing psychologist in La Jolla, California for the past twenty years. Dr. Simpson believes that the introduction of ESTEEM DREAMS™ to your child can greatly enhance his or her development of a healthy emotional foundation. Such a foundation can be the gift of a lifetime.

Copyright © Esteem Dreams 2008